Lo and behold, the ONLY reason being : the blistering maid took off.
Up, up and away, to the Embassy on the account of being ill-treated from her soap-corroded hands due to her stubborn refute from wearing gloves when handling our laundry - of which she did not report likewise and made it look like another cruel story splattered all over the papers just a while back. (-*&%$#@-)
AND, poor me, had to bathe the dogs, dry their long and thick furcoats (zomg, it takes forever i swear), wash and mop their quarters, wash the carpet that Niko pee-ed on, mop the floor again cos she pee-ed at the same spot where the carpet was, grocery shopping for both the dogs (dry food, pet milk and shampoo) and my own. Finally, walked the dogs... ...
My afternoon and evening gone, just like that. Amazing.
I doubt I need anymore tennis as part of my exercise regime. Housework is more than enough to keep me at the edge and working out, non-stop. Lest, the dog walking part. I almost feel like a sled whenever i hook on the 'walking leash' :(
animal sporting ambassadors, anyone?
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