first week at school. Having been through a year at it, nothing much really got me excited besides the assignments and contents of my new syllabus that came with the course switch. Haah. I feel like a nerd like never before. but rest assured i feel that im starting to have fun ((: whee!
i desperately need to find out when are the tennis trials for school team, dammit. I so need to play tennis like how i need to feeed an addiction to a certain synthetic drug. man-made. haha. however, i'm giving thanks 'cos that inclination is subdued, just barely.
Man, i ran out of things to type. And i can't put a finger that why this is so. damn. and i suspect its all because i don't have a life. urgh. very demoralising indeed. ohoh! samuel's birthday this sat at phuture. to holla down or not. tough choice :(
anyways, a little picture update (:
i'll let the following pictures do some explanation on how i got this. enjoy (:

how often can you get friends who are willing to drop whatever they're doing on a saturday night, and party with you with just a pathetic 30 minutes notice before hand just because school was gonna start for you? these are the fantastic people. and thus, relating back to the first picture, no points for guessing how hard i partied that night. =D
I'm such a lucky bitch man. :) anyway, to YL and mel, it'll be your turn come 5th of May :) wooots!
you're my star-crossed lover, with that arrow in my heart.
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