I'm confused about how it's all supposed to be
I'm confused about how's love supposed to be
I'm confused about how's falling in love supposed to be
I'm confused about how to fall in love
I'm confused about how the world revolves
I'm confused about the genuine and the superficial
I'm confused about the things people do, and their motive behind it
I'm confused about intentions
I'm confused about trust
I'm confused about my choices
It's way past bedtime. Here i am sitting in the shadows of the orange hue of my bedside lamp, drowning myself deep into my inner thoughts that randomly ran through my head. I have no clue why these complexities hit me out of the blue, leaving me totally clueless. Not to mention, confused. Utterly confused.
Yet struggling within, convincing myself that my choices are right, and the choices i'm living at peace with. Yet, the little girl has yet to learn how to trust herself. Perhaps, its just that she has yet to learn how to trust God.
The world is concealed by a beutifully painted canvas splahed with colours so positive that it seemed almost alive. However below it reveals the decadence of societies' screw ups and unsightly ulteriors that holds negatives that eventually brings the downfall of one and kills, eventually. She cannot stand alone. Only when she realises that she cannot stand alone, then she wakens to a enlightening realisation that she needs God.
Please tell me the world is gonna end sometime soon. I'll go back to church soon.
No. Correction. I'll go back to God.
I wanna go home with you, hand in yours. Take me along?
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