變成了一個影, 隱藏了自己.
bian chen le yi ge ying, ying chang le zi ji
I've turned into a shadow to hide myself from you.
愛情困難呼吸, 我是沉默玩具.
ai qing kun nan hu xi, wo shi chen mo wan ju.
Love has become difficult to take in, and i've become just a sad toy.
執著對你無限情, 模糊我自己.
zhi zhu dui ni wu xian qing, mo hu wo zhi ji
I loved you so deeply, it blinded me.
不願升上白旗, 輸了你的遊戲.
bu yuan shen shang bai qi, shu le ni de you xi.
Although i've lost this game to you, i'm not giving up.
你和他, 對街擁抱, 我看到.
ni he ta, dui jie yong bao, wo kan dao.
I saw everything when you crossed the streets, running into his arms.
為什麼愛上你的人, 是我
wei shen me ai shang ni de ren, shi wo.
Why must I be the one who fell in love with you.
為什麼一廂情願的人, 會難過
wei shen me yi xiang qing yuan de ren, hui nan guo.
Why does disappointment always happen to the one sided wisher?
為什麼對你捨不得的, 總是我.
wei shen me dui ni she bu de de, zong shi wo.
Why am i the one feeling reluctant when it comes to leaving you?
愛上你, 需要那真情意
ai shang ni, xu yao na zhen qing yi
I know it takes all my feelings and sincerity, just to love you.
show zai ri ji li
But its all kept in my diary.
寂寞天天不休息, 讓甜蜜全也忘記.
ji mo tian tian bu xiu xi, rang tian mi quan ye wang ji.
loneliness isn't giving a break, chasing away all the sweetness that's left
幸福不再美麗, 可是我會在意.
xing fu bu zai mei li, ke shi wo hui zai yi.
Although luck isn't looking good for me, I'm still counting on it.
執著對你無限情, 模糊我自己.
zhi zhu dui ni wu xian qing, mo hu wo zhi ji
I loved you so deeply, it blinded me.
不願上白旗, 輸了你的遊戲.
bu yuan shen shang bai qi, shu le ni de you xi.
Although i've lost this game to you, i'm not giving up.
你和他, 對街擁抱, 我看到.
I saw everything when you crossed the streets, running into his arms.
為什麼愛上你的人, 是我
wei shen meai shang ni de ren, shi wo.
Why must I be the one who fell in love with you.
為什麼一廂情願的人, 會難過
wei shen me yi xiang qing yuan de ren, hui nan guo.
Why does disappointment always happen to the one sided wisher?
為什麼對你捨不得的, 總是我.
wei shen me dui ni she bu de de, zong shi wo.
Why am i the one feeling reluctant when it comes to leaving you?
愛上你, 需要那真情意
ai shang ni, xu yao na zhen qing yi
I know it takes all my feelings and sincerity, just to love you.
show zai ri ji li
But its all kept in my diary.
'sometimes we build walls around us not because we want to block outselves out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.