Faith is on the edge of all that we can ever know. The tension between the known and the unknown creates the playing field for scientific inquiry. The faithful tease the ardent free thinkers like an older sibling teases his or her younger sibling -- instilling a fierce form of competition and determinacy to prove the 'superior' wrong. In many ways religion and science are like siblings cut from the same cloth. Neither realize the significance of the other until they reach an age of maturity.
This is where I think the state of faith vs. scientific inquiry are at this point in history. The human airwaves are choking on dead end debates on religion vs. science. If both issues were on the same end of the court, the ball would not be reciprocated thus the game would be nonexistent. Both are key to the 'ultimate' explanation or what many scientists call the Theory of Everything. One can by no means supersede the other as more valid. Since faith depends more on the human imagination, it can be more manipulative towards dispelling facts of science. Perhaps we should re title the rivalry "tangibilities vs. intangibilities"?
one you can sense. the other you cannot. when was the last time you based a decision on something you couldn't sense? when was the last time you based a decision on something you could sense? the fact that intangibilities exist in the first place is a miracle. intangibilities exist to be discovered. just take this allegory: when we are first born, we may be already equipped to sense our surroundings but whether we do or not is dependent on our biological mental and physical development. the human infant is very aware of its surroundings even though it cannot directly perceive them.
being one human with eyes that can see is not the same as being humanity with eyes that cannot yet peer into the vast entireties of the universe and look God in the eyes. the human race can still be considered in its infancy. but like any young thing, it is instinctual for us to want to grow up far to fast and experience this exciting thing we call consciousnesses. we'll see when we are ready to see. not when we see fit.
the twilight,
was swallowed
my heart awoke
and yawned its first breath
my ear still pressed
against the cold surface,
i could hear the water of winter
neath me
like the blood through
the veins of a helpless prey
tight in the jaws of his successor
my heart wriggled
out of the grip
of Despair
and slithered
towards shore
careful as not to break
the ice
which supported
my existence
careful as not to break
the existence
which supports
all that we falter in